Monday, April 8, 2019

Getting to know each other

Hi, my name is Tamara González.
I am from Santiago, but a large part of the family is from the sixth region, so whenever I can, I go to visit them and rest from the noisy city life. I am the second of 4 children, my older sister is 20 years old, my brother is 11 years old and my little sister is 6 years old, so the tranquility is not very frequent in my house but one gets used to it and becomes quite entertaining. My mother is a philosophy teacher and my dad is mechanical so you can imagine how varied and even contradictory tastes are with regard to movies, hobbies in my family. I also have a pet hedgehog named Sir Lewis, he is adorable
I love the detective series and  the movies psychological terror, I'm not very good at sports but I love swimming.

I studied in the female national boarding school, it is close to the national stadium, so every time there was a concert or party we left earlier. I am currently in the second year of biochemistry and I hope to obtain my university degree in the near future.