Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluation of blog experience

To tell the truth, I had doubts about whether I was going to be able to write a blog, I had never dedicated myself to writing on my own initiative ... and to think that it had to be in English and that other people also read it, they only raised my doubts ,
but in the end the experience was quite pleasant.

In the first blog it cost me a little I did not know very well how to start or sometimes choose what to write about, but then follow the practices and it was easier and easier, I did not look at the amount of words I have to write, and I did not It took so long. Although the same depends on the topic , there were some more interesting in which one could be inspired easier like pets, favorite photography and your favorite book.

Another interesting thing was the dynamics of reading my colleagues' blogs and having to comment on it, it was a different way of getting to know each other.

In the future blogs could be made on topics such as favorite series, favorite bands  or topics more focused on scientific advances.

In conclusion it was a good experience, I feel a little better my writing skills, I had never written so much in English…. Goodbye and thanks for reading the posts

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mental disease or disorder

The large number of diseases that affect the brain, I chose Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or better known as ALS, is a neurological disease that causes death of neurons that control voluntary muscles.

ALS is characterized by stiff muscles, muscle twitching, and gradually worsening weakness due to muscles decreasing in size. What eventually causes difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and finally breathing.

Despite the fact that ALS is the third most common neurodegenerative disease in the world, affecting two or three of every 100,000 inhabitants, generally people between 40 and 70 years old, its origin is unknown, it has no treatment and it has a life expectancy of three years. Although there is a medication called RILUZOLE, it can extend the patient's life expectancy from two to three, just as non-invasive ventilation can result in better quality and longer life.

I chose it because I had heard about this disease before, several well-known people had this disease like Stephen Hawking and, Jason Becker, but I did not know what it really was  and I thought I could understand the causes of this disease, but there are still many things that are not yet known with certainty that it causes some neurodegenerative diseases

Friday, July 12, 2019

the most enjoyable subject

When I was in school, my favorite subject was chemistry, I really loved the material they passed and the way the teacher was able to explain why the phenomena occurred. I also liked the biology elective was really entertaining everything related to the immune system and microorganisms, I think one of the reasons why I liked these subjects because the teachers I had focused on always apply the knowledge what made it more interesting

Now in the university I think that I still do not have a definite favorite subject, but  I would choose cellular physiology, it is mainly a process that occurs inside the cell, this subject distributes its hours in two; a part that corresponds to the cathedral  where the teacher teaches the contents and another part that are the seminars.

I like this subject for the contents that teach mainly the neurotransmitter and muscle contraction, it is really interesting to be able to understand the amount of physiological processes that must occur so that we can perform actions as simple as moving.

I like more the seminar classes, where most of the exercises are for the application of the subject. In my section we are approximately 40 and we work in groups of five integrant, so there is a good environment to learn the assistants explain very well and they help a lot in being able to understand the contents

Friday, July 5, 2019

An expert on your field

I think it is difficult to choose only one scientist who inspires people, since many scientists who have made great discoveries and contributions to science, so I decided to talk about a scientist who is not as well known to the public in general: Gertrude Belle Elion.

She is an American biochemist and pharmacologist, Gertrude was born on January 23, 1918 in New York, she studied at the Hunter College and graduated from the University of New York in 1941. She was dedicated to researching different fields such as microbiology, enzymology, immunology and pharmacology. Elion performed important research that contributed to the treatment of diseases such as leukemia, gout or malaria, for this reason in 1988 he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his "discoveries of the key principles on the development and treatment of medicines."

I chose Gertrude as an inspiring scientist, because in spite of all the economic and labor difficulties she experienced, she managed to study and devote herself to what she was passionate about. Besides that I think that her work should be more recognized by the rest of the people, since it was fundamental to make possible organ transplants and the creation of treatments at present.