Friday, July 12, 2019

the most enjoyable subject

When I was in school, my favorite subject was chemistry, I really loved the material they passed and the way the teacher was able to explain why the phenomena occurred. I also liked the biology elective was really entertaining everything related to the immune system and microorganisms, I think one of the reasons why I liked these subjects because the teachers I had focused on always apply the knowledge what made it more interesting

Now in the university I think that I still do not have a definite favorite subject, but  I would choose cellular physiology, it is mainly a process that occurs inside the cell, this subject distributes its hours in two; a part that corresponds to the cathedral  where the teacher teaches the contents and another part that are the seminars.

I like this subject for the contents that teach mainly the neurotransmitter and muscle contraction, it is really interesting to be able to understand the amount of physiological processes that must occur so that we can perform actions as simple as moving.

I like more the seminar classes, where most of the exercises are for the application of the subject. In my section we are approximately 40 and we work in groups of five integrant, so there is a good environment to learn the assistants explain very well and they help a lot in being able to understand the contents


  1. yeah i also enjoy physiology ,know how everything works from the most little part of human body is something wonderful and interesting

  2. It is very interesting, systems physiology is the subject that comes, is also very entertaining!
