Friday, May 24, 2019

Why did you choose your career?

Sincerely since childhood i was quite indecisive, I wanted to study almost all the professions I knew, one month I wanted to be veterinarian and  the next  astronaut. This situation is hard even in secondary education, only with more realistic careers; architecture, engineering, agriculture.

Truth be told, the university fairs only served to increase my options, but already at the end of the third year I got more serious with the subject and I knew that I really liked chemistry. When I applied to the university, I had only two options: environmental chemistry and biochemistry. But after researching and reading many brochures and curricular meshes, I decided to study biochemistry,  because  this career has a wide field of knowledge and applications.

In the short time I've been in university, I really like the career , just some rather exhausting subjects, but there are several very interesting subjects. If one day I get out of university I would like to work in a laboratory focused on criminology or related to forensic science


  1. i know how you feel,looking for knowledge is something interesting,learn new science,tach,i felt the same feeling when i had to choose a career,and as you i feel really fascinated with my own career,i hope one day see you as a great biochemistry,greetings :D

  2. It's very interesting criminology and forensic science!

  3. Biochemistry is great, but in my opinion it´s very difficult. I hope you achieve your goals!!
